Published Survey
Submission Number: 106
Submission ID: 106
Submission UUID: 797c4d3c-f44d-4446-8020-9c090b2d73bd
Submission URI: /publishedsurvey

Created: Sun, 03/15/2020 - 04:48
Completed: Sun, 07/28/2024 - 21:43
Changed: Thu, 01/23/2025 - 06:08

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
Current page: Complete
Submitted to: Published Survey

Contact Information
Banner Image:: Print-PHARM-FS-FC.jpg
If you need to post a notification below your school name, please enter it here::

Institution Address:
Address 1: University of Georgia 
Address 2: College of Pharmacy - Augusta Campus 
Address 3: 821 St Sebastian Way 
City: Augusta
State: Georgia
Zip/Postal Code: 30901
Country: United States

Program Location:: Georgia
Admissions Office Contact(s)::
- Name: Deborah Martinez
  Title: Graduate Coordinator 
  Office: Pharmacy South Building 115G Athens, GA 
  Phone (Work): 706-542-7230

Institutional Website::

Contact Information Video::

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Program Application Deadline
Application Deadline
What is your application deadline for the upcoming academic year?: November 15, 2024
Does this program use rolling admissions?: Yes

Is your program participating in PharmGrad?: No
Link to Application:

Application Fee:: Domestic - $75.00    International - $100
Application Deadline Description::

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Program Description
Program Description:
The purpose of the Program in Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics (CET) is to provide graduate training in therapeutics-related research that directly connects the basic science laboratory with the clinical practice setting.

The CET Program provides interdisciplinary graduate training program in therapeutics and drug development research utilizing the combined resources of the University of Georgia and Augusta University in Augusta, Georgia.

This association facilitates interaction with the faculty of both institutions. Members encompass a variety of health-related backgrounds and education and include Pharm.D.s, M.D.s, and Ph.D.s. Their clinical as well as basic science expertise allows for a truly interdisciplinary and translational approach to graduate training.

The Master of Science in Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics (MCET) program provides multiple options for candidates to choose between a 1-year (non-thesis) and a 2-year (thesis) curriculum, which augments student development for multiple career opportunities in clinical practice or research. Core and elective courses within the MCET program would foster successful completion of PharmD or MD training programs. Current UGA College of Pharmacy students can pursue a 1-year Master’s (non-thesis) during P3 or P4 years or complete an additional year post-PharmD for a dual PharmD/MS degree. MCET program is also suitable for BS graduates looking to improve their chances for admission to a Pharmacy or Medical School (Year 1 curriculum) and for post-graduate trainees (PGY1 or PGY2 residents) who seek initiating an independent research program in academia (Year 2 curriculum).

Please note a PharmD is not required to pursue the MS in Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics. 

Program Description Video::

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Institution Information
Is your institution public or private?: Public
Is your program accepting applications for this program?: Yes
Program Start Term:: Fall
Satellite/Branch campuses::
- This program is based in Augusta, GA

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Degree Requirements
Credits Required for Degree: : 32
Required Rotations:: Research
Seminars:: Required
College-based Qualifying/Comprehensive Exam:: Not Required
Other Qualifying Exams or Certifications:: Not Required
Thesis/Dissertation:: Varies
Additional Information about Degree Requirements::

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Degree Information
Delivery Method: On Campus
Curricular Focus or Concentration::

Area(s) of Study:: Drug Discovery, Experimental Therapeutics, Molecular Biology, Pharmaceutical Science, Pharmacology
Enter any additional degree information regarding your curricular focus or concentration and/or area(s) of study::
One of the primary objectives of the CET program is to encourage and facilitate research in the pharmaceutical sciences. CET faculty members have made significant accomplishments in their respective areas of interest and their ongoing projects are supported in part by grants from the National Institutes of Health, American Heart Association, the American Diabetes Association, and several pharmaceutical corporations.

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Program Statistics
Have you previously enrolled students in this program?: Yes
Last academic year-number of accepted students for your program:: 3
Last academic year-country of origin of the accepted students:
United States: {Empty}
International: {Empty}

Last academic year-average overall GPA of the accepted students:: {Empty}
Have you graduated your first class for this program?: Yes
Last academic year-graduates job placement:
Academia: {Empty}
Industry: {Empty}
Government: {Empty}
Other: {Empty}
Unknown: {Empty}

Enter any additional information regarding job placements: :

Last 5 academic years-estimated average years of study to graduation:: {Empty}
I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

GRE and Other Tests
GRE Section
 Is the GRE required?: No

Enter any additional information regarding the GRE: :

Are any of the following tests required for international applicants?: TOEFL or IELTS
Other tests or credentials::

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Letters of Recommendation
Letters of Recommendation:
Are letters of recommendations required by your program?: Yes
 If yes, how many letters of recommendation are required?: 3

Enter any additional information regarding recommendations: :
Letters of Recommendation: List the names of recommenders in the fields on page three of the graduate school online application along with their e-mail addresses. They will receive a link to access a secure page where they can submit your recommendation quickly and easily via the Web.

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Other Admission Requirements
Minimum overall GPA considered:: 3.0
Recommended overall GPA considered:: 3.0
Enter any additional information regarding application or admission requirements: :
Complete the online Graduate School Application and required documents/fees. The Graduate School Application form should be completed in entirety. Please be aware that the Online Recommendation Option is available for our department. The Major Code for Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy is 621I.
Applicants should submit unofficial transcripts from all institutions attended as part of the online application. Unofficial transcripts not submitted as part of the online application can be emailed to NOTE: Official transcripts are ONLY required for applicants offered admission.
Statement of Purpose (SOP) – Applicants should indicate why they are interested in the specific option for graduate study
Vita/Resume (CV)
Writing Sample*see website 
3 Letters of Recommendation (LOR) – letters should be from individuals associated with the applicant in academic or work-related setting and 

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Financial Support
Percentage of students receiving financial support:: 0
Type of financial support available:: None
What is the minimum financial support for eligible students apart from tuition remission?: N/A
Enter any additional information regarding financial support: :
At this time there is not financial assistance for the MS program. 

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Background Checks and Drug Screenings
Is your institution participating in the PharmGrad-facilitated Criminal Background Check (CBC) Service?: We are not a participating PharmGrad program
Is your institution participating in the PharmGrad-facilitated Drug Screening Service?: We are not a participating PharmGrad program
I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes