Published Survey
Submission Number: 200
Submission ID: 200
Submission UUID: 00a49abd-2f9b-4bf4-a2b9-9e4ce1f21bcf
Submission URI: /publishedsurvey

Created: Tue, 03/24/2020 - 16:06
Completed: Tue, 07/30/2024 - 16:38
Changed: Thu, 01/23/2025 - 06:08

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
Current page: Complete
Submitted to: Published Survey

Contact Information
Banner Image:: PharmCAS Research_high_quality.jpg
If you need to post a notification below your school name, please enter it here::

Institution Address:
Address 1: MSC08-4560 1 University of New Mexico
Address 2: {Empty}
Address 3: {Empty}
City: Albuquerque
State: New Mexico
Zip/Postal Code: 87131
Country: United States

Program Location:: New Mexico
Admissions Office Contact(s)::
- Name: SOMREO
  Phone (Work): 505-272-1887

Institutional Website::

Contact Information Video::

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Program Application Deadline
Application Deadline
What is your application deadline for the upcoming academic year?: December 01, 2024
Does this program use rolling admissions?: {Empty}

Is your program participating in PharmGrad?: No
Link to Application:

Application Fee:: $50-70
Application Deadline Description::

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Program Description
Program Description:
The BSGP includes both MS and PhD degrees and offers an exciting opportunity to gain a broad understanding of the biomedical sciences in a spectacular southwestern setting of unsurpassed beauty, rich cultural heritage and geographic diversity.The broad-based, one year core curriculum is followed by focused course work and thesis/dissertation research in faculty laboratories in basic science departments. In addition to School of Medicine faculty, the BSGP is complemented by affiliated faculty in the College of Pharmacy, School of Engineering, National Labs, and other entities who may direct graduate student research. BSGP students often work with animals in their research.

Program Description Video::

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Institution Information
Is your institution public or private?: Public
Is your program accepting applications for this program?: Yes
Program Start Term:: Fall
Satellite/Branch campuses::

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Degree Requirements
Credits Required for Degree: : 30
Required Rotations:: Not Required
Seminars:: Varies
College-based Qualifying/Comprehensive Exam:: Varies
Other Qualifying Exams or Certifications:: Not Required
Thesis/Dissertation:: Varies
Additional Information about Degree Requirements::

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Degree Information
Delivery Method: On Campus
Curricular Focus or Concentration::
- Cancer Biology
- Cardiovascular Physiology 
- Infectious Disease and Immunology 
- Medical Imaging
- Neuroscience 
- Pharmaceutical Science
- Professional Science and Technology Management 

Area(s) of Study:: Biomedical Sciences, Immunology, Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Science, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacogenomics, Pharmacokinetics, Toxicology
Enter any additional degree information regarding your curricular focus or concentration and/or area(s) of study::

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Program Statistics
Have you previously enrolled students in this program?: Yes
Last academic year-number of accepted students for your program:: 0
Last academic year-country of origin of the accepted students:
United States: {Empty}
International: {Empty}

Last academic year-average overall GPA of the accepted students:: {Empty}
Have you graduated your first class for this program?: Yes
Last academic year-graduates job placement:
Academia: {Empty}
Industry: {Empty}
Government: {Empty}
Other: {Empty}
Unknown: {Empty}

Enter any additional information regarding job placements: :

Last 5 academic years-estimated average years of study to graduation:: {Empty}
I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

GRE and Other Tests
GRE Section
 Is the GRE required?: No

Enter any additional information regarding the GRE: :

Are any of the following tests required for international applicants?: TOEFL or IELTS
Other tests or credentials::

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Letters of Recommendation
Letters of Recommendation:
Are letters of recommendations required by your program?: Yes
 If yes, how many letters of recommendation are required?: 3

Enter any additional information regarding recommendations: :
Your references should be either recent research mentors or faculty members at institutions of higher learning. They should be able to comment on your current ability to perform academically at the graduate level and/or comment on your recent research experience.

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Other Admission Requirements
Minimum overall GPA considered:: {Empty}
Recommended overall GPA considered:: 3.0
Enter any additional information regarding application or admission requirements: :
Letter if intent is required. Please include your intended degree, areas of research interest, previous laboratory experience (if any—not required but highly desirable), and objectives in undertaking Biomedical Studies. Please also answer the following questions:
• How did you learn about the Biomedical Sciences program
at UNM?
• Have you ever attended the Annual Biomedical Research
Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS)? If so, when?
• Have you ever attended the Society for Advancement of
Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science
(SACNAS) conference? If so, when?
• Are you a past UNM HSC Undergraduate Pipeline Network
(UPN) participant? If so, when?

CV/Resume is required. Include academic and/or scientific awards and

Transcripts from all universities and colleges attended are
required. Please send them to:
UNM Admissions
PO Box 4895
Albuquerque, NM 87196-4895

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Financial Support
Percentage of students receiving financial support:: 100
Type of financial support available:: Research Assistantship, Teaching Assistantship, Department or University Scholarship, Other
What is the minimum financial support for eligible students apart from tuition remission?: N/A
Enter any additional information regarding financial support: :
Eligibility to receive financial support throughout the program is contingent on the student remaining in good academic standing by BSGP and UNM Office of Graduate Studies standards.

I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes

Background Checks and Drug Screenings
Is your institution participating in the PharmGrad-facilitated Criminal Background Check (CBC) Service?: We are not a participating PharmGrad program
Is your institution participating in the PharmGrad-facilitated Drug Screening Service?: We are not a participating PharmGrad program
I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes