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Submission Number: 258
Submission ID: 258
Submission UUID: bbe86a1b-c526-4287-9576-f75ace131ba2
Submission URI: /publishedsurvey
Submission Update: /publishedsurvey?token=v8uIMltdLzTbAWJQ2UbVXa-p4NWNdTpp-LGTE6dlvzE
Created: Mon, 03/30/2020 - 13:34
Completed: Thu, 07/11/2024 - 13:39
Changed: Thu, 01/23/2025 - 06:08
Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English
Is draft: No
Current page: Complete
Webform: PharmGrad Program Directory
Submitted to: Published Survey
Contact Information ------------------- Banner Image:: UToledo_HORZ_Gold.PNG If you need to post a notification below your school name, please enter it here:: {Empty} Institution Address: -------------------- Address 1: 3000 Arlington Avenue Address 2: {Empty} Address 3: {Empty} City: Toledo State: Ohio Zip/Postal Code: 43614 Country: United States Program Location:: Ohio Admissions Office Contact(s):: - Name: Youssef Sari Title: Professor, Vice Chair and Director of Graduate Program Office: HEB282G Phone (Work): 4193833764 Email: - Name: Mary Alderman Title: Dept Secretary Phone (Work): 419-383-1511 Email: Institutional Website:: - Contact Information Video:: {Empty} I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes Program Application Deadline ---------------------------- Application Deadline -------------------- What is your application deadline for the upcoming academic year?: January 15, 2025 Does this program use rolling admissions?: {Empty} Participation ------------- Is your program participating in PharmGrad?: No Link to Application: {Empty} Application Fee:: $75 Application Deadline Description:: The deadline is January 15, 2025 . This deadline might be extended. I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes Program Description ------------------- Program Description: Pharmacy Pharmacology and Toxicology Master's Degree Overview Learn how drugs affect our bodies and treat disease in the pharmacology and toxicology master’s program at The University of Toledo. Our unique, two-year master’s program offers courses in both pharmacology and toxicology. Students learn: - The fundamentals of pharmacology and toxicology - How to conduct independent research and test new drug therapies - How to critically evaluate the literature - How to act ethically Pharmacy Pharmacology and Toxicology Master's Degree Highlights Collaborate with expert faculty. More than $1 million in grant money is awarded annually to the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences for research and development. UToledo pharmaceutical sciences faculty members know the ins and outs of clinical trials and research. Cutting-edge medical campus. Our college is located on UToledo’s Health Science Campus — one of the most technologically-advanced campuses in the U.S. The campus is home to The University of Toledo Medical Center and our medical and nursing colleges. Work in state-of-the-art labs with the latest equipment. Publish and present research. Students in our pharmacology and toxicology master's program author articles and attend national and international conferences to present their research. UToledo Center for Drug Design and Development. Benefit from our research partnerships with academic and private-sector scientists trying to develop new therapies. Financial support. The program is self-supported. Research Opportunities UToledo’s graduate students in the M.S.P.S. pharmacology/toxicology program collaborate with faculty to discover new drugs and test drugs. UToledo has academic and research partnerships with universities around the world. Program Description Video:: {Empty} I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes Institution Information ----------------------- Is your institution public or private?: Public Is your program accepting applications for this program?: Yes Program Start Term:: Fall, Spring Satellite/Branch campuses:: {Empty} I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes Degree Requirements ------------------- Credits Required for Degree: : 34 Required Rotations:: Research Seminars:: Required College-based Qualifying/Comprehensive Exam:: Required Other Qualifying Exams or Certifications:: Not Required Thesis/Dissertation:: Required Additional Information about Degree Requirements:: {Empty} I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes Degree Information ------------------ Delivery Method: On Campus Curricular Focus or Concentration:: {Empty} Area(s) of Study:: Behavioral Science, Biological Science, Biomedical Sciences, Cancer, Cellular Biology, Drug Discovery, Drug Metabolism, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience, Pharmaceutical Science, Pharmacology, Toxicology Enter any additional degree information regarding your curricular focus or concentration and/or area(s) of study:: {Empty} I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes Program Statistics ------------------ Have you previously enrolled students in this program?: Yes Last academic year-number of accepted students for your program:: 2 Last academic year-country of origin of the accepted students: -------------------------------------------------------------- United States: 2 International: {Empty} Last academic year-average overall GPA of the accepted students:: 3.5 Have you graduated your first class for this program?: Yes Last academic year-graduates job placement: ------------------------------------------- Academia: 4 Industry: 1 Government: {Empty} Other: {Empty} Unknown: {Empty} Enter any additional information regarding job placements: : {Empty} Last 5 academic years-estimated average years of study to graduation:: 2 I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes GRE and Other Tests ------------------- GRE Section ----------- Is the GRE required?: No Enter any additional information regarding the GRE: : GRE might be required for international students. Are any of the following tests required for international applicants?: TOEFL or IELTS Other tests or credentials:: {Empty} I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes Letters of Recommendation ------------------------- Letters of Recommendation: -------------------------- Are letters of recommendations required by your program?: Yes If yes, how many letters of recommendation are required?: 2 Enter any additional information regarding recommendations: : {Empty} I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes Other Admission Requirements ---------------------------- Minimum overall GPA considered:: 2.75 Recommended overall GPA considered:: 3.0 Enter any additional information regarding application or admission requirements: : {Empty} I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes Financial Support ----------------- Percentage of students receiving financial support:: 60 Type of financial support available:: Tuition Waiver What is the minimum financial support for eligible students apart from tuition remission?: NA Enter any additional information regarding financial support: : {Empty} I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes Background Checks and Drug Screenings ------------------------------------- Is your institution participating in the PharmGrad-facilitated Criminal Background Check (CBC) Service?: We are not a participating PharmGrad program Is your institution participating in the PharmGrad-facilitated Drug Screening Service?: We are not a participating PharmGrad program I would like to mark this section as done.: Yes