Published Survey
Submission Number: 373
Submission ID: 373
Submission UUID: 6eca600d-ca18-480f-9bf5-b9c04137fb40
Submission URI: /publishedsurvey

Created: Thu, 07/09/2020 - 12:17
Completed: Thu, 07/11/2024 - 13:50
Changed: Mon, 08/12/2024 - 16:57

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Anonymous
Language: English

Is draft: No
Current page: Complete
Submitted to: Published Survey

serial: '373'
sid: '373'
uuid: 6eca600d-ca18-480f-9bf5-b9c04137fb40
uri: /node/32
created: '1594311436'
completed: '1720720242'
changed: '1723496273'
in_draft: '0'
current_page: webform_confirmation
uid: '403'
langcode: en
webform_id: pharmd_schooldirectory
entity_type: node
entity_id: '32'
locked: '0'
sticky: '0'
notes: ''
  aacp_institution_number: ''
  active: 'Yes'
  additional_job_placements_info: ''
  admin_status: Published
  application_deadline_description: |
    Application Deadline
    The application deadline for fall 2025 will open in late September.
    ROLLING ADMISSIONS CYCLE – All applicants are strongly encouraged to apply long before the application deadline.  We encourage international applicants to apply early due to the student visa application process. 
    Note: After a thorough review, an application decision is made by UC San Diego Graduate Division. This process can take several weeks, or more, depending on certain criteria
  banner_image: Picture1.jpg
    - 'Yes'
  cbc_grad_radio: 'We are not a participating PharmGrad program'
    format: restricted_html
    value: '<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>'
    - contact_email:
      contact_extension: ''
      contact_name: 'Krisztina Hershon'
      contact_office: ''
      contact_title: 'Graduate Program Advisor'
      contact_work: '8582463274'
    - 'Yes'
    - ''
  credits_required_for_degree: '36'
  deadline_date: '2025-07-16'
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
  degree_requiremnts_add_info: ''
  degree_type: M.S.
  delivery_method: 'On Campus'
  drug_grad_radio: 'We are not a participating PharmGrad program'
    - 'Yes'
  focus_additional_degree_information: 'Product Management'
    - 'Yes'
  gre_required: ''
    - 'Yes'
  institution_name: 'University of California, San Diego'
  international: '12'
    - 'Yes'
    format: link_only
    value: ''
  minimum_financial_support: N/A
  notify_title: ''
  old_id: ''
    - 'Yes'
  pgrad_aca_jb_plce: ''
  pgrad_accepting_apps: 'Yes'
  pgrad_analytic: ''
  pgrad_app_fee: '$135 for domestic students and $155 for international students'
  pgrad_avg_yrs_grad: ''
    - 'UC San Diego, Skaggs School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences'
  pgrad_fic_other_info: ''
  pgrad_fic_support: '0'
  pgrad_gov_jb_plce: ''
  pgrad_gps_est: '22'
  pgrad_gre_desc: ''
  pgrad_gre_oldest: ''
  pgrad_gre_req: 'No'
  pgrad_ind_jb_plce: ''
  pgrad_lof_acc: ''
  pgrad_lor_acc: '3'
  pgrad_lor_req: 'Yes'
  pgrad_other_qualifying_exams_or_certifications: 'Not Required'
  pgrad_oth_cred: |
    Required Documents
    1. Statement of Purpose: Applicants are asked to submit a statement outlining why the DDPM program interests you, and how it will support your intended career goals. Please explain your plan for leveraging your degree to achieve your career pursuits.
    2. Original Letters of Recommendation: Three letters of recommendation required, including at least one from a relevant employer. Enter the names and emails of your three recommenders into your application. You may enter more than three names if you wish. Please note: you may pay your fees and submit your completed application before all recommendation letters have been posted.
    3. Unofficial copies of academic records from all post-secondary institutions attended need to be uploaded into the application for review. Official Transcripts will be required if admitted to the program.
    4. Current resume or C.V.
    5. TOEFL or IELTS scores (for international applicants)
  pgrad_oth_jb_plce: ''
  pgrad_oth_tests: ''
  pgrad_ovrl_gpa_cons: '3.0'
  pgrad_participation: 'No'
  pgrad_prog_desc: |
    This degree is a Master of Science conferred by the Graduate Division at the University of California, San Diego (UC San Diego). It represents a collaborative effort between UC San Diego Extension, which administers the program and provides student advising, and the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (SSPPS) which manages the curriculum, faculty selection and review, admissions, and student evaluation. 
    This is a self-funded degree which means that it does not receive any state-funded support.
    Key Program features:
        One admission date each year – September 
        Application deadline: July 16, 2025
        No GRE/GMAT required to apply
        Merit-scholarship opportunity for qualified applicants (U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents only)
        Innovative and relevant curriculum
        Instruction by a combination of faculty with scholarly understanding and industry experience
        A case and project-oriented approach to learning
        Options in professional focus
        Face-to-face course delivery alternatives
        Exposure to student colleagues with varied professional backgrounds
  pgrad_pubpriv: Public
  pgrad_qualify: Required
  pgrad_quant: ''
  pgrad_recommended_overall_gpa_considered: ''
  pgrad_semi: 'Not Required'
  pgrad_thesis: 'Not Required'
  pgrad_toefl_req: 'TOEFL or IELTS'
  pgrad_unk_jb_plce: ''
  pgrad_verbal: ''
  pg_last_year_average_gpa: '3'
  pg_last_year_number_accepted: '34'
    format: restricted_html
    value: '<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>'
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
  program_location: CA
  program_name: 'Drug Development and Product Management'
    - Fall
  program_statistics_graduated: 'Yes'
  program_statistics_previous: 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
    - 'Yes'
  school_city: 'La Jolla'
  school_country: US
  school_state: CA
  school_street_1: '9500 Gilman Drive, 0170X'
  school_street_2: ''
  school_street_3: ''
  school_zip: 92093-0170
  short_name: 'U of California, San Diego - DDPM MS'
  sids: '373'